Best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 or better.       
Note:  The *AAF* site will not be completely done for at least a week.  Works best with Internet Explorer.
Welcome to *AAF*

Nothing going on with *AAF*-10-26-99----Gen.spanky.aaf.

     Nothing is going on currently with the *AAF* today except im going to go recruiting tonight.  Ill put up here later who I have recruited.  I am downloading the AF3 demo right now.  It is 16% done so I got some time to kill,  thats why im posting news right now.  Here is todays latest news.

I fixed my Dbase.pff!!!!-10-25-99----Gen.spanky.aaf. 

    I have fixed my Dbase.pff file finally so now can edit maps.  It thought it was a accessibility wizard file,  so I deleted the accessibility wizard.  Now I can use the map engineer which means I can edit maps.  If you have any clue on how to use the map engineer please icq me at 39171734.  I have it all set up I just dont know how to use it.  

  •      6 more days till df2.   Only 6 more days till Delta Force 2 comes  out.  It has been mastered or gone gold or whatever they call it but it is done Novalogic cant push the date back any further because it is totally done.  Go pre-order yours at tacticalzone

  •      AF3.  While you are waiting for DF2 to come out go download the Armored Fist 3 demo from Novalogic.  

  •     New squad.   My friend has just started a new squad called ËLÎTÊ Må®îñê Fõ®çê{~*ÊmF*~}.  Go check out there site here.  He has some downloads and some links.  The usual for a new squad.

  •    Downloads problem.   I have just found out about a problem in the downloads  section.  Some of the files were linked back to files that where on my old downloads section at homestead,  and the ones at homestead had expired it said so I uploaded those files to the new page.


    24-7 has challenged us to a  2vs2 up to a 8vs8 TDM.  The game will be on Wednesday October 27 1999 at 9:00 est.(10-27-99).  Since we are really low on players I am going to start recruiting every night until the match.   The game name will be *AAF* Tryouts.   

  •       No new news since last update.   


Forums are now working-10-24-99----Gen.spanky.aaf.

    I have just signed up for free message boards at  Check them out and leave a message in there telling me what you think of them.   

  •         New df terrains.  Over at df2hq I have just read about a new df terrain with better improved grass created by FwO Raven.  click here to check them out or download them by clicking here.
  •         TKOTH tourney III.  Dfworld is having there TKOTH tourney 3 on 10-17-99.  Click here to check out the bracket selections.  It is a 6 on 6 tourney.  Click here to see the rules.  The registration for it is closed.



SITE FINISHED!!!!!!!!!-10-24-99---Gen.spanky.aaf.

     After working until 2:00 in the morning last I finished the page.  It took me 2 days and nights to finish it.  I went through alot of frustration with frontpage but I made it through alive. Later today I will post todays latest Df news.  It will be more of like a summary of all the latest news that other pages have because I dont have my own fancy news staff.   I am so glad this page is over with. For now go check out our downloads section.  For the downloads section I have looked Through lots of df sites looking for Tactical zone the best downloads so go check them out.  I need someone to edit some maps for *AAF* becase my dbase.pff file is screwed up and wont let maps editors work with df.   I currently dont have a forums section or a chat section becasue I am looking for a free Chat and free message boards.  If you have a squad or are in a squad email me the link to your site so I can post it in our links section.

Join and members page done-10-23-99----Gen.spanky.aaf.

    I have just finished the join *AAF* page and the members page go check them out.  I dont know if the join page works because I have to configure the server extensions.  I am going to go work on the links page now.


Icq active list-10-23-99-----Gen.spanky.aaf.

     People please join my Icq active list.  I am going to give it another month and if it does not have enough new members I am going to shut it down.  If you want to join the number is 50686437.  So join damn it.  I hope to finish the members page today and the join *AAF* page.

New server-10-23-99-----Gen.spanky.aaf.

     I have signed up at Tripod for the new AAF webpage.  I am near completion of the members page.  I hope to do one page every day.  The first few weeks of the new site will have many problems (since this is my first time using front page) of which I hope to work out within the next week or 2.  When the page is finished I will start putting up more DF & DF2 related stuff.                                    

New site-10-22-99 ------ Gen.spanky.aaf.

     Welcome to the test version of my new site.  The site should be done within a week or 2.   The new site was created with   microsoft  frontpage 2000,  so this site is best viewed with    Internet Explorer 4.0    or later.  If u dont have this download it   here. The links are not all set up yet because I am probably gonna sign up for   Lycos,   because they support frontpage 2000.

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Site created by Ryan Szczepaniak (GEN*spanky*AAF*).  Email me with your comments on the new site.